Containing the spread of COVID-19 among the general population in Karachi is a priority. Due to severe poverty, the rural migrants and the working-class population is at risk due to living and working in crowded conditions.

As the lockdown ends and these people go back to work, the transmission rate can skyrocket and provision of Face masks and hand sanitizers can help prevent transmission of COVID-19 among the healthcare professionals in hospitals and in low-income neighborhoods. is starting a campaign to raise funds for the provision and distribution of face masks and hand sanitizers (containing 80% alcohol) to the hospitals and at-risk neighborhoods. has contracted 100,000 face masks and 1,000 (250ml) bottles and 1,000 (500ml) bottles.

Your donation will help pay for the procurement, transportation, and distribution of Face Masks and Hand sanitizers. Please Donate!


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Donation Total: $10.00